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Smoke Free: CSUF is a Fresh Air Campus

Executive Order 1108 cultivates a healthy environment for all faculty, staff, students, and community members through its smoke and tobacco free policy. This policy promotes individual’s freedom to learn, teach, and engage in intellectual endeavors.

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Cigarette Clean-Up

CSUF held bi-annual Cigarette Clean-Up events during the Great American Smoke Out. 

In Spring 2018, we collected approximately 14,548 cigarette butts from campus grounds. 

Fresh Air Advocate

Fresh Air Advocates (FAA) was a student-led program created to educate students and faculty members regarding Executive Order 1108 through peer enforcement. Read more about our FAA program.

The Fresh Air Advocates collected data through surveys to understand students’ perception of smoking and vaping on campus. This study will help develop resources to promote a smoke-free campus.

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